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Interceptive Class III Appliance

The Interceptive Class III Appliance from MRC

For Ages 5 to 7

When you talk about Class III malocclusion you have to be thinking interception.

Dr Chris Farrell and Myofunctional Research Co. (MRC) are world leaders in CAD appliance technology. Nobody understands function like the Myofunctional team, expressed in our continuous array of successful prefabricated appliances for Orthodontics, TMJ and Sports protection. The TRAINER System™ has become synonymous with early treatment in Europe, where Frankel’s discoveries began.

But Class III is different. What do you do if at age five, you see a lack of mid-face development, lowered tongue posture and anterior crossbite? Do you wait to operate at an older age? Do you accept it? Do you train more surgeons?

Some may say the Interceptive Class III Appliance™ (i-3™) from MRC is long overdue. For too long, children (particularly in Asia) have suffered from a lack of action. Now MRC has the answer. Developed from the successful TRAINER System™ and MRC’s patented dual molding technology, the i-3™ has the design elements needed for effective Class III correction.

If you can get the correction early you may be able to control mandibular growth:

1: A Frankel cage for maxillary development, with an offset Class I/II incisor preset.

2: High extended “reflex” sides to discourage anterior mandibular posture.

3: Positive tongue position elevator to raise tongue position in conjunction with the tongue tag used in the Pre-Orthodontic TRAINER™ (T4K™)..

The i-3™ is prefabricated in small, medium and large-sized arch forms, eliminating the need for fitting or adjusting. The design is optimised for use in very early mixed dentition and has worldwide patents pending, including China.