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Issue 7, July 2006 Contact Us | News Archives

In this Issue

From the CEO
Waking up the Tongue 24/7.
Guest Section
Orthodontics for the Mixed Dentition (Course Information)
Scientifically Speaking
Root Resorption.
Events and Education
Our upcoming training events listed.
Whats's New
What's New on MRC's Website.
Share Your Thoughs
Share your experiences with our readers.

From the CEO


The Myofunctional Research Co. has been demonstrating the importance of tongue position and function for close to 2 decades. All appliances carry the philosophy of the necessity to actively retrain the tongue when treating any malocclusion. This function of the TRAINER System™ is of course just one of it's myofunctional training actions, but is one of the primary goals. We know this brings the possibility of non extraction treatment with better faces and more stable orthodontics for all patients, and is now accepted by many Orthodontists and Dentists around the world.

Still, the majority do not quite get it, and too commonly continue to advocate the futility of arch expansion. However an increased awareness, created by the work of Dr Dwight Damon on the importance of tongue position to obtain and maintain a natural arch form, resulting in more non-extraction orthodontics, has been a welcome wave in the Orthodontic community. He has demonstrated that stable arch expansion is possible with the assistance of the tongue and the Damon bracket

Who is the major player here? The tongue or the bracket? Sure we need to make room for the tongue with the mechanical arch development, but we do hope that the tongue finally gets to it's correct position all by itself. Sometimes it does, but most of the time it does not.

The active role of the tongue tag in the TRAINER System™ has been shown to deliver arch expansion. It therefore seems obvious if we could just convince all orthodontists the benefit of simultaneous myofunctional tongue training with fixed appliances, there would be less necessity to resort to extractions and arch development would be more stable.

This concept has brought about another hybrid TRAINER. Used with upper fixed brackets, the new TRAINER just does one myofunctional activity. It carries a tongue tag in a single arch appliance, goes over the upper brackets and can be worn all day and night. Yes, although this is only doing one thing, it can be retraining the tongue 24/7 as the single upper arch appliance has a bracket channel to fit over a Damon bracket or any bracket for that matter.

So you can boost the arch development of your fixed appliances using the LINGUA™, named after the tongue to reinforce the value of "lingual orthodontics". Having the tongue working with you in treatment rather than against you as is all too often the case. We hope the current trend for permanent lingual retainers, with their potential for long term periodontal problems, will be lessened by the LINGUA™, a new product from MRC to be released September 2006.

Since the LINGUA™ does not have the other characteristics of the T4B™ and T4CII™, it is best to use these at night while sleeping and the LINGUA™ the whole day. The added advantage is that from the moment the patient has the brackets on, the LINGUA™ will provide soft tissue protection, just like the T4B™ but since speech is not impaired by the appliance, constant 24/7 soft tissue protection and tongue retraining is now possible.

If you would like to test the new MRC lingual tongue retraining appliance in your practice prior to it's release, contact us and you will recieve 5 free LINGUA™ TRAINERS. Your feedback will be much appreciated.

Dr Chris Farrell BDS (Syd Uni)
CEO and Founder

Dr GermanScientifically Speaking

"Is there any advantage in regards to root resorption when malocclusions are treated with functional appliances rather than with fixed appliances?"

There is consensus in the orthodontic literature that the average patient receiving orthodontic treatment with brackets experiences mild to moderate external apical root resorption. Dental trauma, developmental abnormalities in root morphology, duration of treatment and stage of root development at the start of treatment have all been suggested as possible risk factors. However, there is no predictability when root resorption may appear when treating malocclusions with orthodontic fixed appliances (Smale, 2005). In other words, all human teeth develop resorption lacunae on the pressure side of the root surfaces

shortly after application of orthodontic forces (Weiland, 2003) and root resorption is an unavoidable pathologic consequence of orthodontic movement (Brezniak, 2002). Thus, dentists may expect some degree of root resorption when treating malocclusions with fixed appliances.

Phase 1 - Starting T4K™

Phase 2 - Finishing T4K™

Nevertheless, this statement appears not applicable when malocclusions are treated with functional appliances. Although there are no particular study showing that there is or there is not root resorption when malocclusions are treated with functional appliances, Brin (2003) demonstrated that two-phase treatment, where the first-phase is performed with a functional appliance, reduces external apical root resorption.

Children who have early treatment with the functional appliance had significantly less root resorption at the end of the second-phase treatment. Therefore, it may be inferred that early treatment with functional appliances decreases the amount of discrepancy between the maxilla and the mandible, and so, reduces the amount of tooth movement that have to be done when a later treatment is intended with fixed orthodontics. Even though, there are no studies supporting the fact that functional appliances do not produce root resorption, the current knowledge permits to state that root resorption is unavoidable when treating malocclusions with fixed appliances, but the involvement of functional appliances in the plan of treatment permits to reduce the risk of root resorption. Thus, it may be suggested that functional appliances are more recommended for treating malocclusions rather than fixed appliances, and even more when root resorption is a concern for the dentist or the patient.

Phase 1 & 2 T4K™

Best regards,
Dr. German O. Ramirez-Yañez
Scientific Researcher for MRC

What's New on the Myoresearch Website

The multimedia team at MRC work hard to continually develop methods in which we can demonstrate working together keeping the myoresearch website fresh, dynamic and user friendly. Doctors should bookmark the website for regular visits. We are continually developing methods of improving communication.

Under Academic Research Articles you will now find a number of published articles including the most recently added from Dr German Ramirez. Articles from the Angle Ortho and Mondo Ortodontico journals, previously in our library, are now also found on this page. These articles are based on the MRC Appliances.

We are currently developing a format for delivering a series of regular video 'tips and mini lectures' for users of MRC Appliance systems. They will be presented by Dr Chris Farrell (CEO) and other guest presenters on a monthly basis.

Only 3 years ago, Dr Farrell pioneered the use of 3D animations to demonstrate soft tissue dysfunction and various other concepts. With the help of our highly skilled in-house 3D artist / animator, we are working on the next generation of educational animations and look forward to releasing them online before the end of 2006.

Bigger and better videos! We are now taking advantage of Flash 8's advanced video compression technology, allowing much larger and higher quality video while using a comparable internet bandwidth. If you need to install Macromedia Flash 8, you can download it for Windows or Mac.

Why not start with the new Soft Tissue Dysfunction videos or Damien O'Briens appearance on a Brekky Show in the Phillipines? Of course, you can find links to all these and more under the new look Library page. Don't forget to order your MRC Manual CD-ROM which is now available through our online CD-ROM order form.

Thank-you for your continued support and we look forward to hearing any feedback you may have to assist in improving our website, videos or CD-ROMs.

Aaron Young
Head of Educational Media and Communications for MRC

Orthodontics for the Mixed Dentition

Dr John Flutter (BDS) will be presenting 2 courses on "Orthodontics for the Mixed Dentition" this September and October. Course 1 will include the Farrell Bent Wire System™ hands on wire bending held on Sunday 10th Sept and Course 2 will have some focus on sleep breathing disorder dentistry held on 29th October 2006.

Both Courses offer 5.5 hours lecture on the 'Early Orthodontic Treatment in the Mixed Dentition'.

For more course information contact us or download the Details and Registration form via our website.

Details and Registration

Upcoming Training Events

July 2006
6 Rio De Janerio, BRASIL. Orthodontic Conference.
12-15 Porto Alegre, BRASIL. Dental Congress.
20 Ambato, ECUADOR. Congreso Odontologico.
26-28 Guayaquil, ECUADOR. Congreso de Odontologos de Guayas.
August 2006
4-6 Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. AMA Health and Lifestyle Expo.
6 Belo Horizonte, BRASIL, Orthodontic Meeting.
September 2006
10 Gold Coast, AUSTRALIA. Lecture Dr John Flutter (Course 1)
9-10 CANADA. Delta Regina Hotel *Jaw Functional Orthopedics
Hands-On Course (Session Two)
13-15 Sapporo City, Hokkaido. JAPAN. Japan Orthodontic Conventions.
14-16 Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA. XIII Congreso Latino Americano de
17-20 Toronto Ontario, CANADA. AAOHNSF.
20-23 MEXICO. IV Congreso Internacional de AMOCOAC 2006
October 2006
4-7 Sao Paulo, BRAZIL. Orthodontic Meeting.
16-19 Las Vegas NV, USA. ADA Annual Scientific Session
& Marketplace Exhibition.
19-22 Dallas TX, USA. AOS Annual Meeting.
29 Gold Coast, AUSTRALIA. Lecture Dr John Flutter (Course 2)

Events and Education.

Share Your Thoughts

Do you have a case study you would like to share with our readers?

Step forward and share your experiences, advice and methods with our readers.

We ask that submissions remain between 500 to 1000 words and be sent via email along with any supporting material to the eNewsletter Editor.

Your Feedback

Your feedback is appreciated. If you have any views or responses please contact us with any feedback or ideas you have to improve this new service.

Introducing the INFANT TRAINER

To assist development of teeth and jaws in the growing child.


Patient Information Binder

The 3 page Patient Information Binder is an effective resource for every practice. Order through your local representative.

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MRC Manuals CD-ROM

The MRC Manuals CD-ROM is a practical collection of appliance manuals for your use. Order online today.

MRC Manuals CD-ROM

Have you seen the MYOBRACE® website? is an informative website about the MYOBRACE® and all it's features.


Published by:
Myofunctional Research Co. (MRC)

MRC CEO & Founder:
Dr Chris Farrell (BDS Sydney)

Editor: Jill Steptoe
Marketing:Rafael Clavijo
Webmaster: Aaron Young

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