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Issue 9, November 2006 Contact Us | News Archives

In this Issue

From the CEO
Arch expansion and the BWS™.
Events and Education
Our upcoming training events listed.
Scientifically Speaking
Dental Arches Expansion with Ortho-System™.
Share Your Thoughs
Share your experiences with our readers.
MRC Global
Simpler, easier treatment with the BWS™.

From the CEO


The BWS™ (Farrell BENT WIRE System™) has been devised to use with the TRAINER System™. It is not revolutionary, but a simplified version of previous appliances. Many doctors continue to use outdated expansion appliances without understanding their deficiencies.

First, using our current knowledge of arch form related to malocclusion, you will see in the following picture crowding is associated with incorrect arch form and this is directly determined by tongue position and function. Compare the dimensional differences between the normal, crowded, class II Div 2 arch form. Generally the narrowness of the arch form occurs more in the anterior and premolar area.

Class II Div 2

As we have seen confirmation from the research of Dr German Ramirez, the TRAINER develops this anterior arch form by retraining tongue position and function. Intermolar dimension does increase, but not as much as the other dimensions.

In the early mixed dentition, the T4K™ is ideal for correcting this arch form, however, in more severe cases, or in the late mixed dentition, the patient cannot position the tongue correctly, so the tongue does not have sufficient force for a long enough period to effect the desired arch form changes. Arch expansion by physical not functional means is required.

Arch Appliance with Screw
Arch Expansion with BWS™
Commonly used arch expansion appliances with screw typically widen molar and premolar areas to the same extent - which do not 'round out' the arch form (Top Left). The Biobloc appliance does develop the anterior arch form but still pushes the premolars out too much in relation to the remaining arch form. Quad Helix is the same.These appliances all occupy the position where the tongue should be, therefore, the development direction and allowance for tongue position is detrimental to obtaining a good functional result. This poor result often results in relapse, justifying the critsism directed at the principal of arch expansion from the extraction orientated orthodontists.

The Farrell BENT WIRE System™ has the ability to impart the correct forces to develop the anterior arch form more than the intermolar distance (Bottom Left). There is no palatal component to encroach on tongue space, so as the arch is expanded the tongue can occupy its correct position without interference.

The TRAINER is used the same as usual - one hour per day, plus overnight while sleeping, further increasing the rate and stability of the arch form correction.

This is the fundamental difference between the BWS™ and other types of treatment.

More on the Farrell BENT WIRE System™

Dr Chris Farrell BDS (Syd Uni)
CEO and Founder

Dr GermanScientifically Speaking

Expansion of the jaws has been increasingly performed in orthodontics to achieve better occlusal and maxillary relationship, and so, to improve oral functions. Maxillary and mandibular expansion has been proposed since Edward Angle to avoid extractions (Dewel, 1964).

There is a controversy regarding the ideal time for performing the expansion. Sari and co-workers reported that rapid maxillary expansion by means of a fixed screw (eg. Hyrax) produces better results when it is performed in early permanent dentition (Sari, 2003). Although this statement appears to be supported by other studies (Chung; Housley, 2003; Spillane, 1995), maxillary expansion may also be successfully done in older adolescents and adults (Stuart, 2003; Iseri, 2004; Lima, 2000). In the maxilla, rapid and semi-rapid expansion produce an increase of the lower nasal and maxillary base widths, with the maxilla moving forward and downward (Chung, 2004; Sari, 2003; Iseri, 2004).

These changes in the maxilla produced by the expansion are accompanied by a spontaneous mandibular response, which increases the dental arch perimeter (Lima, 2004; McNamara, 2003) and rotates the mandible posteriorly (Sari, 2003; Chung, 2004). Mandibular displacement is associated with an increase in facial height (Sari, 2003, Chung, 2004).

An expected relapse in the amount of expansion has been reported by some authors (Hime, 1990; Housley, 2003), which appears to be the result of that pressure delivered by the cheeks on the maxillary arch and the resistance to deformation of maxillary sutures and surrounding tissues to maxillary expansion.

Nevertheless, maxillary and mandibular expansion rise up as one of the important phases of orthodontic treatment, producing arch perimeter increase, and so, avoiding teeth extractions. Thus, the aim of the report "Dental Arches Expansion with Ortho-System", writen by myself and Dr Chris Farrell (available for download via the MRC website) is to present a new method to produce maxillary and mandibular expansion, and at the same time, to treat soft tissue dysfunction that may be responsible for treatment relapse (Ramirez-Yañez, 2005). A couple of cases treated with the Farrell BENT WIRE System™ are presented to explain the proposed treatment.

The TRAINER System™ combined with the Farrell BENT WIRE System™ (BWS™) simultaneously produces arch development and treats the myofunctional habits. The TRAINER™, a pre-fabricated functional appliance, has amply demonstrated to relocate the mandible (Usumez, 2004), to correct improper forces produced by the muscles of the cheek and lips (Quatrelli, Ramirez-Yañez, 2005a) and to change the dimensions of the dental arches (Ramirez-Yañez, 2005b). However, in those cases where more maxillary and mandibular expansion is required to avoid teeth extractions, the TRAINER™ combined with the BWS™ produces higher amounts of expansion, and therefore, a higher increase in arch perimeter.

An advantage of this system is that it does not involve acrylic in the palate. A functional appliance designed with acrylic on the palate and which is not properly built, may lower the tongue encouraging tongue thrusting, and thus, either worsening the malocclusion or producing a relapse. The TRAINER™ is a pre-fabricated functional appliance, which means no laboratory involvement, and the BWS™ can be entirely constructed “in office”. The BWS™ neither is composed by acrylic nor occupy the palate, and so, permits a normal talking to the patient. The following two cases show the effect of the Ortho-System on arch development.

Read full article on Dental Arches Expansion with Ortho-System™.

Best regards,
Dr. German O. Ramirez-Yañez
Scientific Researcher for MRC

MRC Global - A World Perspective

Getting to travel around so much of the world has many wonderful benefits.

Amongst these benefits is seeing many small, yet more effective clinics evolving worldwide through using straightforward and uncomplicated techniques for the correction of arch development and bad oral habits. Extraction is only carried out where absolutely necessary, and treatment methods such as the Farrell BENT WIRE System™ (BWS™) are being used to minimise the need for brackets. It seems the public is driving the growth of these clinics in many countries as they are looking for simpler, easier treatment where patients are walking away with better faces and better long term stability.

The Farrell BENT WIRE System™ is certainly an integral part of this. The technique can be easily learnt, and integrated with the TRAINER System™ allows you to accomplish simpler cases.

Information on the BWS™ is available via the Myoresearch website, including videos and our new BWS™ Manual.

Look out for more on the BWS™ in the new web based seminars starting with Dr Farrell in the months to come.

Damien O'Brien
MRC Global Sales & Training Executive

Upcoming Training Events

November 2006
24-29 New York, USA. GNYDM.
TBA ECUADOR. Gran Congreso Nacional e Internacional De Machala
January 2007
13-14 CANADA. Delta Regina Hotel *Jaw Functional Orthopedics
Hands-On Course (Session Four)
24-28 Boston, MASSACHUSSETS. Yankee Dental Congress® 32
27-31 São Paulo, BRASIL CIOSP Congresso Internacional de
Odontologia de São Paulo
- Anhembi Congress & Convention Center.
February 2007
10 Saskatoon, SK. *Treating Malocclusions and TMJ Disorders with
Jaw Functional Orthopedics.
March 2007
24 Cologne, GERMANY. IDS 2007. 32nd International Dental Show
July 2007
12-14 Florence, ITALY. International Association of Orofacial Myology
(IAOM) Annual Convention
* Conact Paul Li for further information: 1306 596 1826

Events and Education.

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We ask that submissions remain between 500 to 1000 words and be sent via email along with any supporting material to the eNewsletter Editor.

Your Feedback

Your feedback is appreciated. If you have any views or responses please contact us with any feedback or ideas you have to improve this new service.


"I'm really pleased with the Myofunctional Appliances and all the services that you are delivering to us. Very quick and efficient."

Dr Rita Goulart
Smile By Design, Australia

The Farrell BENT WIRE System™

Arch Development in conjunction with the TRAINER System™

Farrell BENT WIRE System™

Introducing the INFANT TRAINER

To assist development of teeth and jaws in the growing child.


MRC Complete Systems CD-ROM

The MRC Complete Systems CD-ROM is a complete collection of everything you need to know about the MRC systems.

MRC Systems CD-ROM

Have you seen the MYOBRACE® website? is an informative website about the MYOBRACE® and all it's features.


Published by:
Myofunctional Research Co. (MRC)

MRC CEO & Founder:
Dr Chris Farrell (BDS Sydney)

Editor: Jill Steptoe
Marketing:Rafael Clavijo
Webmaster: Aaron Young

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