From The CEO |
Hello, In keeping with our current theme of the newsletter, this month we will highlight Class III treatment.
My experience over the last 3 decades has been mostly class II correction and only occasionally Class III, unlike my colleagues in Japan who have this as the majority of malocclusions. For this reason the class III patient for me stands out as “treat early or you will get a poor result”. Although it is possible, treatment of class III in the permanent dentition is more likely to result in failure rather than success. I was taught that class III was genetics driven and surgery was the only answer. Experience and the hard research points to an equally high failure rate of mandibular reduction surgery.
The T4K is effective with class III patients and I saw some fantastic results presented at the ISMCCD 2007 by Dr. Kitafusa, Dr Lee and Dr Fukuoka. But there clearly was a need to have a more specific appliance as a lot of these cases still ended up edge to edge and needed more maxillary development than the T4K was getting.
It was difficult for me to see how I could improve on the T4K for class III although many doctors have asked me to do this for a number of years. Finally Dr Derek Mahony in January this year said he really needed a specific class III T4K. “You had better do it NOW - I need it,” he said.
So I used the dual moulding technology we developed for the MYOBRACE® to produce a Frankel cage inside a new design, which focussed on maxillary rather than mandibular development. Everyone knows a Frankel FR3 works. Just nobody wants to make them and kids don’t want to wear them. That is a major limitation.
"The i-3 uses the principles of the Frankel, and also assists in raising the tongue from the anterior part of the mandible. The new cage is a lot higher and assists maxillary development"
The i-3 uses the principles of the Frankel, and also assists in raising the tongue from the anterior part of the mandible. The new cage I designed is a lot higher and assists maxillary development. We will wait and see how effective it is and many of our long-term T4K users are already evaluating the i-3. Initial results look great, but early days.
"...many of our long-term T4K users are already evaluating the i-3."
I am always grateful for the requests I get from Doctors for new appliances to fill the need for specific treatment effects. We have currently a number of new appliances under development as a direct response from my contacts through lectures around the world. These will be release in 2008 and 2009.
Recently I was in Mexico, Japan and Russia presenting the new i-3 for Interceptive Class III Correction, and was impressed by the volume of fantastic results being achieved with the T4K, MYOBRACE® and MBN.
Dr Chris Farrell BDS (Syd Uni)
CEO and Founder
Scientifically Speaking |
Mesio-occlusion is a term in orthodontics used to classify those anomalies of the occlusion were the mandible is sagitally postured ahead of the maxilla, because either a lack of antero-posterior development of the maxilla or the presence of interference that shift the mandible forward when teeth reach maximum intercuspation. This anomaly of the occlusion generally starts with a dental interference which appears during the eruption of the primary teeth, shifting the mandible anteriorly during the final closing. If the problem is detected early, treatment is very simple through selective grinding and Planas’ Direct Tracks (for more information see Ramirez-Yañez, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 2003). If the shifting of the mandible continues, the closing pattern is reprogrammed in the brain and the patient learns to close the mouth jumping over the interference and going directly into a Mesio-occlusion at intercuspation. Then, mandibular growth is stimulated and the problem turns from a functional to a skeletal problem.
The prevalence of Mesio-occlusion is higher in Asian countries. Migratory movements during the last two centuries have increased the prevalence of this anomaly of the occlusion in the western societies. The TRAINER System has demonstrated to help in sagittal anomalies of the occlusion when there is a Distal relationship (for more information see Usumez, Angle Orthodontist, 2004) and to stimulate transverse development (for more information see Ramirez-Yañez, International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 2007). Although the TRAINER System, particularly the T4K, has showed to produce satisfactory results when treating Mesio-occlusions (for more information see the proceedings from the 1st International Symposium of Myofunctional Correction and Cranio-Facial Development, 2007), a new MRC appliance with specific features for this malocclusion needed to be developed. Thus, the Interceptive Class III (i-3) was developed.
A small change produces big differences in the results. Thus, the philosophy of the TRAINER was not greatly modified. Three basic changes were introduced in the i-3 appliance. Firstly, the buccal shield in the anterior area of the maxilla is placed forward in order to stretch more the upper orbicularis oris and, stimulate more bone apposition in that area. In this context, the i-3 appliance is working similarly to the Function Regulator III (FR-III) designed by Frankel. Secondly, the relationship between the mandible and the maxilla is maintained in a Class I relationship. This permits to re-educate the masticatory and facial muscles in charge of positioning the mandible to move it backward, while maxillary growth is stimulated. And thirdly, small bumps located on the lower lingual flange gently touch the tongue encouraging it to posture in a more physiological position at rest (for more information see Ramirez-Yañez, International Journal of Functional Orthopedics, 2005).
"...permits to re-educate the masticatory and facial muscles in charge of positioning the mandible to move it backward, while maxillary growth is stimulated"
Therefore, the i-3 appliance can be considered another tool in the armamentarium composing the MRC Systems, with some new features which permit to get a better success when treating Mesio-occlusions. The philosophy of the system is maintained, and thus, dentists may expect a change of posture of the mandible, a change of posture of the tongue, improvement in transverse development and re-education of the masticatory and facial muscles as it happens when treatment is performed with other appliances from MRC.
Dr. German O. Ramirez-Yañez
Scientific Researcher for MRC
MRC Global - A World Perspective |
Class III... this has been a topic of hot request from doctors globally for a long time. (More so perhaps in Asia) Doctors have loved the T4K to assist in getting better results with Class III malocclusions for many years (especially when they have begun treatment early around 5-7 years of age).
All doctors know that the tongue plays a role in what is going on with a Class III patient and this dimension of the problem must be corrected in addition to any other treatment that is required.
The anticipation for the new Class III appliance is large.
The appliance is very compliant and gives good development of the maxillae and positioning for the mandible. In addition the trademark features of the TRAINER System that treat soft tissue issues are also incorporated into the appliance and addressed with treatment.
(Already some patients that have started preliminary trail use of the i-3 feel like they are Spiderman when they wear it due to its innovative visual design.)
An even bigger comment being made across so many countries is that doctors are just so impressed that MRC listens to them and addresses more and more specific issues as dictated to by their needs.
"Another great addition to the appliance range MRC"... is what I am hearing!
Damien O'Brien
MRC Global Sales & Training Executive
New at www.myoresearch.com |
The multimedia staff at MRC Australia have recently made one of the most exciting new additions to www.myoresearch.com. Now available to website users around the world are the new interactive flash webistes featured in nine languages:
Now easliy accessible for download in PDF format are MRC's most Frequently Asked Questions. Regularly updated with new questions and answers from all MRC's appliance users and non-users alike, download this information to your computer and read at your own convenience.
Download MRC's FAQ
Your Feedback
This months feedback on the MRC Systems comes from C.D.E.O. Arturo Alvarado Rossano. C.D.E.O. | Prof. Spec Ortho (UNAM) | Maxillary Orthopaedics (UNAM). | Coordinator of the First Diploma of Craniofacial Orthopaedics (FO-UNAM). | President of the Mexican Association of Craniofacial Orthopaedics and Orthodontics (A.C AMOCOAC). | Lecturer of AH KIMPECH in Mexico. | Lecturer of MRC in Latin America. | Lecturer of PERCODENT LTDA in the Republic of Colombia.
If you would like to share your comments, please contact the eNewsletter editor.
"We have used and verified the benefits of these Systems from the year 2002 when we initiated our investigations and reports of the evidences in the diagnosis and treatment with MRC innovative dental appliances. This is one of the reasons why we want to share our clinical experiences.
The clinical cases that we have, are wide and the results mostly satisfactory having used the TRAINERs; INFANT TRAINER, T4K, T4B, T4CII, T4F, T4U, T4A......" View full article.