Soft Tissue Dysfunction Videos

Learning to see everyday Soft Tissue Dysfunction

Examples of Soft Tissue Dysfunction can be seen in the following videos. The animations make it easy to see what's happening.
Soft Tissue Dysfunction Composite Video

Soft Tissue Dysfunction Composite Video (English subtitles)
Requires a broadband connection to the internet and Macromedia Flash Player 9.

Normal Class 1

Normal Class 1 (English subtitles)
Requires a broadband connection to the internet and Macromedia Flash Player 9.

Normal Swallow (English subtitles)
Requires a broadband connection to the internet and Macromedia Flash Player 9.

Normal Dental and Facial Development (English subtitles)
Requires a broadband connection to the internet and Macromedia Flash Player 9.

Reverse Swallow

Reverse Swallow (English subtitles)
Requires a broadband connection to the internet and Macromedia Flash Player 9.

Reverse Swallow (English subtitles)
Requires a broadband connection to the internet and Macromedia Flash Player 9.

Mouth Breathing

Mouth Breathing (English subtitles)
Requires a broadband connection to the internet and Macromedia Flash Player 9.

Mouth Breathing (English subtitles)
Requires a broadband connection to the internet and Macromedia Flash Player 9.

Myofunctional TRAINER™

Myofunctional TRAINER™ (English subtitles)
Requires a broadband connection to the internet and Macromedia Flash Player 9.

Farrell Bent Wire System™

Farrell Bent Wire System™ (English subtitles)
Requires a broadband connection to the internet and Macromedia Flash Player 9.