The TRAINER System™

by Myofunctional Research Co.

Habit Correction - Dental Alignment - Arch Development.

Introduction to the TRAINER System™ (English subtitles)
Requires a broadband connection to the internet and Macromedia Flash Player 9.

T4K™ - The Pre-orthodontic TRAINER™.
Improves facial and dental development in the growing child (mixed dentition).

T4A™ - Aligns and retains anterior teeth in the permanent dentition.
Aligns and retains anterior teeth in the permanent dentition.

INFANT TRAINER™ - For habit correction.
To assist development of teeth and jaws in the growing child.

T4B™ - The TRAINER for Braces.
Shields the soft tissue from brackets.

T4CII™ - The TRAINER for Class II Correction.
Jaw alignment in combination with fixed orthodontics.

LINGUA™ - Train the Tongue Day & Night.
Soft tissue protection & tongue retraining