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Myofunctional Influences On Facial Growth & The Dentition

a complete approach to the early treatment of malocclusion


Dr. John Flutter
BDS (Lon Uni)

Malocclusion From A Different Perspective

• Significance of form, function and posture on malocclusion.

• Study of particular malocclusions demonstrating their soft tissue (myofunctional) cause.

• How the dynamics of form and function affect the dentition, skeletal structures and the face.

Forces Of The Soft Tissue

• Review of the key research or "function = form".

• Soft Tissue Dysfunction Analysis (STDA) - procedures for diagnosis and documentation.

• Evaluation of existing treatment methods and their effects on Soft Tissue Dysfunction.

• Why no Orthodontic treatment will be stable without treatment of Soft Tissue Dysfunction.

Treatment Of Myofunctional Habits

• Difficult cases made easy by treatment of myofunctional habits.

• Recognising and diagnosing specific myofunctional habits.

• Early myofunctional treatment is essential to avoid aberrant.

• Case histories of early treatment using the Pre-Orthodontic TRAINER Program.

• Treating Soft Tissue Dysfunction with the Pre-Orthodontic TRAINER Program and the TRAINER for BRACES™.

Early Treatment Makes Every Case Easier

• Treat facial development and posture as well as the teeth from the early mixed dentition.

• Diagnosis and treatment of Soft Tissue Dysfunction is the responsibility of the General Dentist and Pedodontist.

Introducing Myofunctional Orthodontics

• Treating form and function simultaneously - a complete start to finish system that is simple, low cost and reliable.

• Inadequacies of the current appliance systems for treating Soft Tissue Dysfunction, in particular, Schwartz/Sagittal, Bionator, and Clark Twin Block.

• The BENT WIRE Appliance System (BWS™) - no more acrylic Phase 1 appliances.

• The TRAINER for Finishing - immediate myofunctional retainer.

• ID Treatment of minor relapse made painless, easy and low cost.

• TMJ Disorder - immediate diagnosis and treatment - myofunctional causes simply explained.