The T4B™ is both protective of oral mucosa on fitting of full fixed brackets and simultaneously treats myofunctional habits and TMD during the orthodontics – it is not bulky, easy to wear and speeds up orthodontic treatment and improves stability. Has upper and lower bracket channels to go over fixed appliances. Routine use with all newly banded upper and lower braces. Base extends to cover to second molars.
Soft tissue protection, TMJ treatment, double mouthguard effect, edge to edge Class I jaw position, MYOFUNCTIONAL EFFECT™.
Key factor: Bracket for fixed appliances and soft tissue protection.
During fixed orthodontics.
Class II correction - The combination of preventing tongue thrusting and changing mode of breathing assists Class II correction. Some passive arch expansion is achieved, greatly assisting the orthodontist in non-extraction cases. The T4B™ is made in an edge to edge Class I position making it effective in Class II correction.
Combine fixed and functional phases - The T4B™ allows for functional and fixed appliance phases simultaneously. The T4B™ is designed to diminish these detrimental forces by myofunctional training during fixed appliance therapy. The T4B™ also "trains" a class I relationship in the same way as functional or "jumper" appliances.
Treat and prevent TMJ problems - TMJ disorder has been shown to be prevalent in the majority of adolescent orthodontic patients. This can be difficult to treat during fixed appliance therapy. In addition, the occlusal changes produced by orthodontic treatment can precipitate acute TMJ symptoms. The T4B™ incorporates a soft TMJ splint that is specifically designed to assist in treatment of this disorder. It has a 3.2mm thick posterior section, while the anterior section is 2mm thick for TM joint decompression.
Bruxing limited - By double mouthguard effect. Using the T4B™ in combination with fixed appliances for one hour daily plus overnight, discludes the dentition and decreases aberrant myofunctional forces on the dentition. This facilitates faster tooth movement by removing the influence of interlocking occlusal forces.
Prevent soft tissue trauma - Trauma of the soft tissue is a common problem when fixed appliances are first applied. The T4B™ covers the offending braces eliminating much of the trauma to the patient in those first few weeks of fixed treatment. In addition the soft tissue (lips and cheeks) are protected from the irritation of the brackets and wire which cause discomfort in the initial stage of orthodontics.
Class I jaw positioning - Is produced when in place (same as most functional appliances) to assist in Class II correction. The combination of prevention of tongue thrusting and changing mode of breathing assists Class II correction. In addition the vertical sides can be trimmed to allow for Class II elastics use to further enhance the Class II correction.
Open mouth posture and habit correction - TONGUE TAG actively trains the positioning of the tongue tip as in myofunctional and speech therapies, TONGUE GUARD stops tongue thrusting when in place and forces the child to breathe through the nose, LIP BUMPERS to discourage over-active mentalis muscle activity. In addition the double mouthguard effect prevents mouth breathing similar in function to an oral screen. The correction of mouth breathing is one of the most important factors in maintaining maxillary arch expansion which can be lost in the fixed appliance stage. Maxillary expansion has often been criticized for lack of stability. Some orthodontists never consider expansion because of this possible relapse factor.

The tongue is capable of exerting forces of 300-500gm against the palate. In the correct position this is able to maintain the maxillary width while dental alignment is taking place. After maxillary expansion, a correction in mode of breathing and resting tongue position is the goal of the T4B™ for this reason. Anterior open bite, deep bite, phase II treatment after functional type appliances and post crossbite correction. Post RPE to retrain the tongue and change mode of breathing. Use with Class II elastics or headgear.
(The side can be adjusted with scissors to expose individual brackets)
Fitting and adjustment - The T4B™ usually requires no adjustment. Have the child place it into the mouth themselves.
Do not try to place it into the patient's mouth yourself - Ask them to check that it does not hurt anywhere. Usually it will not. Narrow mouths may require 2-3 mm off distal ends if they say it is too long or they cannot get their lips together.
Trimming - Cut with scissors at the distal ends to shorten or anywhere that discomfort occurs.
If there is more severe open bite or Class II - Preferable use the T4CII™.
Children younger than 10 years - without the second permanent molars can still use the T4B™. Just cut 4-6 mm off the distal ends to compensate for the lack of the permanent molars.
Sticker your name and address on the back of the instruction card. Kids love to have something extra to go with their new braces.